Jasper's Page!
About Me | Shoutouts | Fav Sites | My Horses | Contact Me/Guestbook | Fav Movies, Books, etc | Fun Stuff | Tom Welling | LOTR | POTC | Signs


Welcome To Jasper's Page!

Hey ya'll! Welcome to my website! I'll be updating it as often as I can. I hope you enjoy this at least a little bit. Look back for updates!

Check Out My Blog! It's Awesome!

My Weapon!
Take the weapon quiz! click on the link, then click on "Fun Stuff"

Samwise Gamgee
Isn't he cute?! This is my favorite Hobbit from the books. He's so kewl! Sean Astin plays him well

Dear 'ole Pip!
Pippin would have to be my favorite hobbit in the movie. He cracks me up. Billy Boyd is awesome too.

Aragorn Rawks!
Arwen, Aragorn, and Eowyn

Things Going On:

This is where I put stuff that is going on in my life. You could probably care less, but I liked the idea. lol

Updates: Sorry I haven't been updateing in a while. Life got the better of me. I'm updating small things right now. I've been working on the "My Horses" page so take a look there! And please click on the banners to go see my stable at Equination.net!!!!

Homeschool Gym: Come on and join all us fun ppl! we have a blast! Don't miss it! 1:00-3:00 p.m. $2.50 app. for non-members. 75cents for members. Be there or be square! *NOTE* last gym before summer break is April 22. :'(   *tear flick*

Oh When The Saints, Come Marchin' In... The Saints season is over. They won all their tournys for this year too and got a team trophy!!!! (sp? lol) The banquet went well too with awards and lots of food. And posters made by Bethany Wagar! Saints, ya'll did GREAT this year! We are so proud of you! can't wait until next year!!!!!!             If ya wanna check out the saints webpage here it is: http://www.geocities.com/mvsaintsbasketball   Saints...YA'LL ROCK! lol (thanks to andy scott and his subby for the saints link. lol)

Please be sure to get in touch and let me know what you think of my site.
You can reach me by going to the "Contact Me" page and either e-mailing me or iming me on AIM.
Anything on this site is Copyright Jasper's Page unless otherwise stated. Feel free to take pics and stuff, but please link back to this page. Thanks!