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A Penny For My Thoughts
Tuesday, 2 December 2003
Rambling For The Sake of Rambling
I want more snow! ACK!!! This is how I get every year, in December I get CRAZY for snow. Then after Christmas and when it gets to about the middle of January I'm like "OK, go away now please, I'm done with you." lol I'm odd I know.
I'm starting to get anxious, and I don't really know why. Well actually, I do. I'm getting anxious to go shopping! I luv to shop for Christmas, and once I get my mind set I can't wait to get out there and shop. It's like I have to go now, now, now and I can't stop my mine from rushing things. I don't WANT to rush things, but my brain does. I keep telling myself "just calm down, you have 3 weeks until Christmas! That's plenty of time!" but it doesn't work that great sometimes. It's like I get so excited that my brain starts to rush it. JUST STOP! lol But, you gotta luv it though. It's part of what makes this whole time of year enjoyable for me. Other people panic. I take a deep breath and tell my heart to slow down, and my brain to shutup for a minuete and take a chill pill. That usually works. ;D But I can't wait to shop. Sarah and I are prolly gonna go shopping together in a couple of weeks. I can't wait! It'll be a blast to shop with her!
Well, I think I'm done rambling for now. I had better get off. TTYL!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 11:52 AM EST

Thursday, 18 December 2003 - 11:51 AM EST

Name: Sarah
Home Page: http://you guys should know all this by now...so I'm sk

We still haven't gone shopping!!! This is so sad!!! What are we gonna do? Christmas is less than a week away, and what's more...we've already done all our shopping!!!! Hey I know! *genius moment ya'll* We can go AFTER christmas and hit all the humongous sales!!!!! I'll get back with you on that!

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