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A Penny For My Thoughts
Saturday, 6 December 2003
Signs of Christmas!
I got my first Christmas presents this week! The book club wrapped up for the year yesterday by reading The Christmas Carol and then watching Muppet Christmas Carol while pigging out on snacks. lol Then we exchanged gifts! To be honest, my heart was about the thump out of my chest the whole time we were watching the movie! I couldn't wait for it to be over so that we could open our gifts. I've only seen a billion times...but it was still good. Bethany made all of her gifts! They are soo kewl! She made me a picture frame with hearts on it and put a picture of Orlando Bloom in it from his new movie! I about fainted! And then she also made me this little Gandalf, he's sooo cute! And she made me this really awesome coin that looks just like the one from Pirates of the Caribbean! (also an Orlando movie. :D ) It's awesome! And her and I made all the girls Arwen necklaces like the one from the movie! But Jenna's came apart and then Jenna and I were goofing off and she BROKE mine! I about died! But we glued them together so it's all good. And then Sarah got me some bubble bath, lotion (cucumber melon, mmmmmm!), a journal and a pink gel pen! And Lisa got us stuff too but she forgot it. lol She's goofy. But it was so much fun. Oh yeah! And Beth made Sarah a pipe like Aragorn and Gandalfs! (I call it Aragorns, but I think i'm partial to him, so everybody else says it's Gandalfs. lol) It is soooo kewl! Sarah brought her camera and took pictures of us all with it in our mouths. It was a riot.
Well, I had better get going. TTYL!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 3:13 PM EST

Thursday, 18 December 2003 - 11:55 AM EST

Name: Sarah

*sighs* That was such a fun day girl!! I luv the stuff you made me! I'm gonna have to print all those pics out to give you guys!

PS~~I'm so weird! I'm just going around commenting on evrything thing you say! Oh well, hope ya don't mind. (i know you won't *tee hee*)

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