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A Penny For My Thoughts
Sunday, 7 December 2003
Busy Day!
Whew! I'm beat! Today was really busy. First of all, I'm so happy because yesterday my dad and I put up our outside Christmas lights! They look spectacular! (i luv that word!) It was fun. Not to mention that I thought of an ingenious idea to helpt he process along. * Bows and does the queen wave* Thank you, thank you very much!
Anyhoo, then today we got up at 7:00 am (as usual) for church, went to church, sang in the choir, and Tara Thurman came and sang today! She was sooooo great! My church is in luv with her! She sang "Mary Did You Know?" beautifly. Then we went to Kroger and my mom took FOREVER to get the groceries! Then we came home and ate, after stopping in the Wendy's drive through and seeing an old friend working the window. And now we're all just chillin' and my dad is watching the Bengals play. But what else is new? lol

Posted by horseybaby06 at 3:15 PM EST

Thursday, 18 December 2003 - 11:58 AM EST

Name: Sarah

So what was the ingenius idee you had? ;P
We aren't putting lights up this year. *sighs* 'Tis so sad! We even had a bunch of really cool icicle ones given to us for FREE by our aunt. But alas and alack...no such luck! Ya know, I have been seriously considering climbing up on the roof and doing it myself! What do ya think? Should I risk it?

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