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A Penny For My Thoughts
Tuesday, 10 February 2004
I'm Baaaaack!
Hey! Wow! It sure has been awhile since I posted! lol So sorry. LOTS has been going on, some exciting stuff too. I dunno if I wanna type it ALL...i'm kinda afraid the ppl that i'll write about will read it. :os But i'll use fake names. lol (this is so korny)
OK...there's this guy named...uhh...Tristan! yeah! lol I found out that he liked me about a month ago...but I didn't know him to well, so we started hanging out and stuff and he's actually a pretty kewl and funny guy. And about a week ago he asked me out, but I'm not aloud to date him and I don't think I could like him like THAT. So I had to tell the guy no. :( I felt kinda bad...but he's so kewl..he hasn't held any grudges against me and has just stayed a good friend to me. I admire him so much for that, most guys wouldn't do that and it's so kewl that he does. And I'm SO happy that we can stay friends. Even though he is kinda flirty whenever I see him...lol...it's kinda cute though. And every time we IM he always says goodbye with "XOXO". It's sooo cute! I was really afraid that I would lead him on in some way if he didn't ask me out...b/c sometimes I feel like I'm being flirty w/o meaning to, but he's been really great about just keeping the relationship at a friends status. Which I like very much.
OK...now theres this other guy, who I'll call...ummm...Mark. I swear I'm falling luv w/ the guy! It sounds so weird to say that, but he is soooo kewl! And sooooo hott! lol My word! I know that might not sound like the greatest thing for a girl to say...but HO-LY COW!!!!!!! Everytime I see him my heart flutters and my stomache does flip flops. And when he smiles...that's it...i feel like i'm gonna pass out! OH man! We've been chating a lot lately and I've been trying to get to know him better (b/c I don't know him as well as I would like to ;) ), and it's been really fun! He's so nice. He dosen't short change me or act like I'm an annoyance when we're chatting or anything. It's so kewl to meet a guy like that. I really enjoy the times I get to talk to him. Everything about him is just soo kewl. *sigh* This is gonna sound so So SO dumb...but I really want to hold his hand. LOL! Like if we started forming a relationship and stuff and doing stuff together it would be so kewl to just hold hands. I don't even care if I don't get a kiss (which wouldn't be bad! lol) or anything...if I could just hold his hand once I would be soooo happy! I'd be floating on cloud 9 I swear!
Well...enough babbling about boys...lol..I'd better get off. TTYL! mWAH mWAH!
Later Days!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 3:48 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 10 February 2004 4:01 PM EST

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