A Penny For My Thoughts — Profile

Name:  Jasper
Location:  Ohio
Birthday:  8 January, 1988
Bio:  Hey Everybody, OK, I was born in Ohio, have lived here all my life, ummmm...luv it, it's kewl. I'm a christian (don't worry! I'm not a big holy roller so don't be scared away! sheesh!), I originaly excepted Christ when I was 3, but because of some, lets just say bad things, I got invovled in I rededicated my life to Christ last year at age 14. Now i'm 15 (almost 16) and livin' a proud life of one of God's kids! Oh yeah! I rawk! And if ya what a garenteed eternal life and a free mansion, just call up God, he'll hook ya up with some kewl stuff. I mean, check the guy out, he dies for you, then he offers you every single ounce of luv in his body no matter what you've done (and don't give me that "I'm not good enough for him" crap! Just shutup if your gonna say that! If he made you, wouldn't you be good enough? Riddle me that one Batman!), then a FREE (flahsing neon lights here) mansion on a gold road with pearl gates and angels to guard you, and eternal life. Come on! How could you not pass that up! OK...i'm done rambleing now.
Interests:  My favorite color is purple I think that Tom Welling, Orlando Bloom and (yes) Viggo Mortensen are hott I am an absolute horse FANATIC! I luv my friends I homeschool, have all my life, never been to school. and no, i'm not a sheltered dumb butt child, i'm actully very smart, have TONS of friends, and know a lot about the world and get "worldy" experience (believe it or not MARK! lol) I'm getting my temps soon I like to read, write, play volleyball, basketball and dodgeball with my friends at gym, i like to dance, listen to music, (Fountains of Wayne man, oh yeah! "Stacy's mom has got it goin' on!...", etc. I LUV the computer and I like talking on the phone I have a dog named Hickory Dickory Dog (Hickory) and a rabbit named Parker
Blog Created:  Sunday, 9 November 2003
Last Updated:  Tuesday, 10 February 2004 - 3:48 PM EST
Blog Entries:  13

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