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A Penny For My Thoughts
Sunday, 30 November 2003
All The Snow's Gone
Well, the light dusting that we got yesterday evening, yup, gone...all gone. Sad isn't it? Oh well, if my hunch is right *leans in and whispers* I think we're getting more in the near future!
Anyhoo. What did I do today? Well, I went to church. I had nursery duty today so I didn't get to talk to my girl Jessie. That always makes me sad. But oh well. I luv that girl so much it's not even funny. I would kiss her if my gut wouldn't stop screaming NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :)
And then I called Sarah b/c she can't write a clear e-mail one day in her life! She's asking me when i'm going to pick her up on the 17th. For wut? Why? Does she REALLY want me to do that? I mean, I have no license! She'd be asking for it man i'm tellin' ya!
Ummmm, and then I've been online since like 3:30 probably and it's 6:02 now. My eyes feel like thier dying! (If that's at all possible)
Oh yeah. And today, in sunday school, we played this game where we pretended that we were going to see LOTR: ROTK (translation: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King) and we had to come up with something (realistic or silly) that we would bring to the movie that started with a letter of the alphabet. And it didn't have to be in order. Then we went around the room saying what we would bring. And you had to repeat everything everybody before you had said IN ORDER! It was chaotic. Let's see, can I remember? OK, Joe: and apricote, Mark: a Bible, Justin G.: carrots, Justin S.: chocolate, Teddy: Popcorn, Dan: his hamster Bubbles (HA!), Dean: magic markers, Eric: a watch, Jessie: orange juice, Me: a Xylophone (sp?) with a Z (will explain in a sec), Jenna: an apple, Jen: Lembas, Amanda: BOTTLED water, Alyssa: shoes, Jacob: a trashcan, Josh: a duck, Darren: Sting (read the book for this and Lembas, you'll get it), 2nd time got half way around. so ON TOP of allll that stuff you had to add, WITH YOUR EYE'S CLOSED BTW,: Joe: rubber biscuts, Mark: a girl (rolls eyes) and I think thats all. Whew! Preasure! lol OK, about the Xylophone with a Z, I said Xylophone, but then i added "yeah, you have to have something that starts with a Z!" and Mark's like "ummm, it starts with an X" I was embarrassed. lol But everybody said "Xylophone with a Z" the whole time. Grrrr! I'm so annoying! I even annoy myself! (Mark, if you ever see this, don't EVEN bring up the annoying thing. kk? thanks)
Well, since i've bored you to death, I've gotta go. TTYL! Pray for more snow!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 6:15 PM EST

Thursday, 18 December 2003 - 11:41 AM EST

Name: Sarah
Home Page: http://paprika330.tripod.com

Hey!!! I can write good emails!!! I can't think of one that I have at the moment, but that's not the point! :P
Pray for snow eh?? I am WAY ahead of ya girl!!!!! I've been praying for snow since last Christmas!!!

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