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A Penny For My Thoughts
Saturday, 29 November 2003
Happy Holidays!!!!!!!
Hey Everybody!
Happy Holidays! I'm so jazzed up, I LUV this time of year. It's absolutely the best part of being alive..i think. Anyhoo, I hope ya'll had a great Thanksgiving. I did. It was a blast. And my Cream Pie was a hit!! Whoopee! I went to my Grandma's and then to my Aunt and Uncle's house. It was awesome. And come to find out, I'll be have 3 Christmas' this year! Count 'em, 3!!!! First, i'm going to celebrate with my dad's side this year on the 21st. Which is something new, everybody decided to try it so that we can all stay together longer and not be rushing around to get to other peoples houses, which sounds great to me!
And then the 2nd time is on Christmas Eve. My family always opens preasents Christmas Eve morning so that we can have alday to ooh and aah our new stuff and play with all the new toys. lol ;D Then Christmas DAY I'll be going to my Grandma's house to celebrate with my mom's side. It'll be a blast.
My dad's side is doing this other really kewl thing this year. Since there are SO MANY people on his side we're doing a secret Santa this year. I have my Uncle Tom (who happens to be my all time favorite Uncle. Even though I'm not big on favorite's, you can't help but luv the guy. :D ). I got him the kewlest Christmas preasent. But I can't tell yet. It would be just my luck that he got my website address, saw the link to my Blog, clicked on it and read the entry which would reveal his preasent and spoil everything. And we can't have that can we? Nope, nope, nope. So i'll tell ya AFTER the 21st.
Well, I'd better get going. I would luv to hear from ya'll. Post to this entry and tell me what your doing for Christmas this year and all that good stuff. Later!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 4:47 PM EST
Wednesday, 12 November 2003
Holiday's Are Here!!!!!
Wow! I can't believe it, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner, ALREADY! Sheesh! Where has this year gone?? Seems like yesterday I was going swimming. hmmm...does that mean i'm getting old, ALREADY?! <:oO
I can't wait until Thanksgiving. That's got to be one of my favorite holidays. Not quite as high on the list as Christmas mind you, but it's up there. lol I luv Christmas especialy. Not only is it the chance to celebrate Jesus' birth every year, but you get to be with your family and give preasents! Now don't get me wrong, I luv Luv LUV getting preasents, but there's not quite anything like giving somebody the perfect preasent. Weather it makes them laugh, cry, or just makes them feel really special, it's always worth their reaction. I luv it. And there's lots of food! And GOOD food for that matter! lol
Well, I'd better sign off. See you soon!
:-: Jasper :-:
P.S. Smallville tonight! whooohooooo!!!!!! 8pm eastern time. check it out!

Posted by horseybaby06 at 2:03 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 12 November 2003 2:11 PM EST
Sunday, 9 November 2003
This is so kewl! I've never done one of these before!

OK...so I guess this is the part where i'm supposed to put what I did today. Well, lemme think. I went to church, hung out with my oh-so-kewl friends. Got depressed because we're broke. Came home. Ate lunch. Watched a movie, and and got on the computer! fun fun! lol I'm sooooo interesting. My life should be a TV show.

Well...better jet, don't 4get to watch Alias tonight ya'll! it's gonna be awesome! Later!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 5:02 PM EST

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