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A Penny For My Thoughts
Tuesday, 6 January 2004
It's Getting Cold!! YaY!!!!!!
Yesterday was pretty boring, but I did get a lot done! I made a page on my website devoted to one of my favorite movies, Signs. And I added a pic on the My Horses page. And I'm going to completely re-construct my LOTR page b/c right now it's just a jumbled mess! And I'm going to build a POTC page! (Pirates of the Caribbean) And a writing page. But I have to think of a name for it. hmmmmmm, is a puzzlement (as the king of Siam would say on the King and I).
Guess what? IT'S FREEZING!!!!! Isn't that awesome?! The thermometer says it's like 30 degrees! How kewl is that?!?!
Guess what? I'll be 16 in 2 days! (That's Thursday, January 8th for all you people w/o a calander) And I'm having a party on Friday and Saturday. I'm having Lisa and Bethany and Sarah over to spend the night! We have book club that day, so they will just stay after book club and then we're going to the mall! ALL DAY! Whoohoo! And then Saturday we're going to go see a matinee of ROTK! That'll be the kewlest part! I probably all ready told you this, but oh well. lol Lisa and Bethany and Sarah all pitched in and gave me $20 dollers so that me and my family could go see the movie. So if the tickets aren't more then $5 a piece (which I doubt they would be, espectialy for a matinee) we can all get in w/ my money! I'm sooooo excited!
And Thursday, the day of my birthday, is the 1st day back to Gym! I can't wait for that either. Now that I've been going I really missed it over Christmas break.
Well, I'd better get off. My mom wants me to run the sweeper AGAIN when just ran it like, 2 days ago or something like that. Later!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 11:49 AM EST

Tuesday, 6 January 2004 - 11:49 PM EST

Name: guess

Hey girlfriend!
I can't wait till this weekend either! It's gonna be a blast! Duh! It always is when we get together!
Cold weather! YIPEE! Bring it on! I love it too! It just better start snowing too, that's all I can say!
LOL!!! Your mom IS just like mine! It's scary! We've been vaccuming like every other day around these parts. Of course, part of that could be due to the fact that Olga is shedding...again...and keeps leaving big piles of hair everwhere. I think she's trying to add more padding to the carpet or something. Who knows!

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