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A Penny For My Thoughts
Sunday, 4 January 2004
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!....late :os
Hey Hey!
What's goin' on? Happy 2004! That just sounds so wierd. I can't believe 2004 is already here! That means I only have 2 more years of school! WHOOHOO!!

I was just on Sarah's blog catchin' up on all of her entrys. Man, she makes me look so bad. She writes in her blog practicly everyday! I write when I feel like it. lol So my new years resolution is to be more dedicated to my site and my blog writing. And I admire her (Sarah) so much. She is such a Godly, sweet, nice, funny girl. I wish I could be like that. I mean i'm totaly comfortable with myself and who I am (all except for that lower stomach that never wants to go away! wuts up with that?), but I just wish I was as Godly as her. I'll be doing really good with communicating with God and praying and bible studying, and then I just stop, for no reason. She's Godly all the time! I need some lessons here or something. I mean, I've been taught to be Godly and read my bible and pray my whole life but, I dunno, I guess I just sort of let that all go away.
OMG! Before I get off I HAVE TO write about Friday! OK..Lisa and Bethany said that they wanted to have me and Jenna over for a sleepover b/c we hadn't done it in a long time. So I was like awesome! When, where, and what time! So Friday I get there and we sit all our stuff down and the house was really quiet! It was wierd. So miss wagar is like "the girls are in the basement Jasper" And I was like "well...Jenna's staying too ya know." lol But I didn't really pay much attention to that. So I walked down and it was still dead quiet. So I just thought they were watching a movie or something and I tried to be kinda quiet coming down. So I looked to one side and then when I turned my head to the other Sarah jumps out in my face and a camera and flashes it! And Lisa screams surprise at the top of her lungs and claps stupid little clappers in my face (that i wish i would have broken!), and Bethany honks horns at me! I felt like the press was following me for some big story! So I ran away screaming and laughing and trying to remind myself to take a breath! And the girls were just dying laughing. Bethany looked like she wanted to just pee all over herself. omg...it was great. I have never had a surprise party before, this was a great 1st one. And then they all pitched in a gave me $20 to go see ROTK! And Sarah bought me a new zebra CD case and a matching change purse w/ ear rings in them! It was the best party that I didn't know was coming that I ever had.
Well, I got to go, time to go to bed. I promise I'll try and write a lot more soon! I have to compete with Sarah! ;) Later!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 10:08 PM EST
Monday, 22 December 2003
Spiderman Can!!!!
There ya go Clint, the title is for you! Of course it would have helped if i'd have givein you the address to this yesterday at the Christmas thing, but hey! It's all good! lol
Man, yesterday was SUCH an awesome day! I had Christmas with my dads side (and Clint. lol!), it was soooo fun! I got a jewlry box from my Step-Grandma Becky. It was so cute to, she wrote "From: Grandma Becky" on my name tag thing on the gift. It was sooo cute! It's an awesome jewlry box though. It's cherry wood with light pink lining on the inside and a stained glass door! it's soooo pretty!
And then Jenna (my little sis) got a really kewl bag that says "All Star Athlete" with lip glosses, a key chain, body glitters, and fuzzy socks in it!
And then my mom got this basket with all kinds of stuff in it! Like 2 candles, smell good stuff, bath gloves (those are funny!), and a bunch of other stuff.
And my dad got a $15 gift card to home depot. my cousin goes "every man needs a home depot card!" lol! it was funny.
And then I played and ran around with my lil cousins, and my big cousins. (winks at Clint, Careis, and Brian. Well...Careis, your not really my cousin yet, but your with Clint, so you count. lol) It feels and sounds so funny to say that I played. lol But I did! And it was fun! teehee
Omg, i'm practically bouncing off the walls here, we open presents in 2 days! Christmas Eve morning!!!!!!!!! whooopeeeeeeee!!!!!!! My parents are starting to get really irritated with me b/c I keep reminding them. lol And my mom hasn't even wrapped our presents yet! I want to be held in some sort of suspense! It wouldn't be Christmas w/o that! teehee. I think I already know what some of my presents might be. I think Jenna got me a horse paint by number that I want and this little figurine of a horse that you paint. And then I think a couple of the things my mom got me are a belt and some more clay. And possibly some clothes, makeup, and *ahem* girls undergarments. :os But I did ask for all that stuff, so I can't really complain much. But I hope I see the "undergarments" before anybody else when I open them. IF I got them that is. lol
Well, I'd better go. TTYL! I'll try to write about what I get Wednesday! Later!
Merry Christmas!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 5:46 PM EST
Friday, 19 December 2003
Updates And More Rambling *sigh*
Hey Hey,
OK, for an update, did ya'll notice that I changed my blogs name? Thaaaaat's right! It was plain old boring Jasper's Blog, now it's A Penny For My Thoughts. Is that creative or what? I think so!
OK, what else has been going on? ummmm...oh yeah! Wednesday was the Alternative Christmas party! That was fun. Jessie was kinda being all wacked out at the beginning and I was having the hardest time figguring it out. (dumb old me, I thought she was mad over some candy. lol i'm such a retard. shoot me now before i destroy the world in my stupidity) But then it was all good later, we hugged kissed and made up. (if there was anything the make up about. Frankly i was so confused I just went along with her. lol told ya, i'm a 'tard!) And I got to see Toney and Jacob! How kewl is that! I missed them guys so much it wasn't even funny. I know they'd prolly think I was weird for saying that, but it's true. They are genuinly very nice guys and I luv them to pieces. And Jessie: Yes, I luv Toney too. But don't go all gangsta on me, you can keep him. lol
And then Thursday we had the last Homeschool Gym Day before Christmas. That was kinda bitter sweet. Nobody cried or anything, but it was still bitter sweet just the same. But it was kinda kewl b/c some people that don't come very much came. Like Josh Moody was there! That was kewl. I hadn't seen him since we had gone to Kings Island this past summer. He's really kewl and nice and stuff. I thought he was going to give himself a heart attack playing basketball though! His face was blood red! My gosh! It was almost scary! lol But it was all good.
And then Mike Koon came with his sister Mandy. I'm tellin' ya, they are some of the kewlest kids I know. They are soooo nice to everybody. And they are REALLY funny! Mike cracks me up! He was reacting (sort of) Star Wars with my LOTR poster that Lisa got for me for Christmas! lol It was HILARIOUS! OMG! And then Lisa did something totaly bad but histaricly funny! She locked the keys in the car! And it was like the 2nd time this month she said! Sarah, me, Mike, and Johnanthan were like DIEING laughing! It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen! But luckily Joe had his spare set of keys and we got them out. We thought that she was about to lock BOTH sets of keys in and we all sceamed at her and she like "Chill out! I have them!" lol It was sooo funny. *Sighs* it's the simple things in life. lol
And then my parents had to go to a Christmas party, so my mom took Jenna and I to Hollywood video and we rented some movies to watch while they were gone. We got POTC (oh yeah! savvy poppet! lol!), Santa Clause 2 (adorable movie! i luv it!), and Finding Nemo. I luv that movie. It's hilarious!
Oh! And guess what! IT'S BEEN SNOWING ALL MORNING!!!!!!!! It stopped just now, but we have about an inch and a half. It was soooo pretty all morning. I'm so happy. And on the news they said that there is a very good chance that we will have snow for Christmas!!!!!!! How great is that!!!! Whoopeee!
Well, I've rambled enough for now. Glad I got you caught up on my life. lol TTYL! If for some reason I don't get to post before Christmas, have a blessed and very Merry Christmas!
Luv Always,
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 2:46 PM EST
Sunday, 7 December 2003
Busy Day!
Whew! I'm beat! Today was really busy. First of all, I'm so happy because yesterday my dad and I put up our outside Christmas lights! They look spectacular! (i luv that word!) It was fun. Not to mention that I thought of an ingenious idea to helpt he process along. * Bows and does the queen wave* Thank you, thank you very much!
Anyhoo, then today we got up at 7:00 am (as usual) for church, went to church, sang in the choir, and Tara Thurman came and sang today! She was sooooo great! My church is in luv with her! She sang "Mary Did You Know?" beautifly. Then we went to Kroger and my mom took FOREVER to get the groceries! Then we came home and ate, after stopping in the Wendy's drive through and seeing an old friend working the window. And now we're all just chillin' and my dad is watching the Bengals play. But what else is new? lol

Posted by horseybaby06 at 3:15 PM EST
Saturday, 6 December 2003
Signs of Christmas!
I got my first Christmas presents this week! The book club wrapped up for the year yesterday by reading The Christmas Carol and then watching Muppet Christmas Carol while pigging out on snacks. lol Then we exchanged gifts! To be honest, my heart was about the thump out of my chest the whole time we were watching the movie! I couldn't wait for it to be over so that we could open our gifts. I've only seen a billion times...but it was still good. Bethany made all of her gifts! They are soo kewl! She made me a picture frame with hearts on it and put a picture of Orlando Bloom in it from his new movie! I about fainted! And then she also made me this little Gandalf, he's sooo cute! And she made me this really awesome coin that looks just like the one from Pirates of the Caribbean! (also an Orlando movie. :D ) It's awesome! And her and I made all the girls Arwen necklaces like the one from the movie! But Jenna's came apart and then Jenna and I were goofing off and she BROKE mine! I about died! But we glued them together so it's all good. And then Sarah got me some bubble bath, lotion (cucumber melon, mmmmmm!), a journal and a pink gel pen! And Lisa got us stuff too but she forgot it. lol She's goofy. But it was so much fun. Oh yeah! And Beth made Sarah a pipe like Aragorn and Gandalfs! (I call it Aragorns, but I think i'm partial to him, so everybody else says it's Gandalfs. lol) It is soooo kewl! Sarah brought her camera and took pictures of us all with it in our mouths. It was a riot.
Well, I had better get going. TTYL!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 3:13 PM EST
Tuesday, 2 December 2003
Rambling For The Sake of Rambling
I want more snow! ACK!!! This is how I get every year, in December I get CRAZY for snow. Then after Christmas and when it gets to about the middle of January I'm like "OK, go away now please, I'm done with you." lol I'm odd I know.
I'm starting to get anxious, and I don't really know why. Well actually, I do. I'm getting anxious to go shopping! I luv to shop for Christmas, and once I get my mind set I can't wait to get out there and shop. It's like I have to go now, now, now and I can't stop my mine from rushing things. I don't WANT to rush things, but my brain does. I keep telling myself "just calm down, you have 3 weeks until Christmas! That's plenty of time!" but it doesn't work that great sometimes. It's like I get so excited that my brain starts to rush it. JUST STOP! lol But, you gotta luv it though. It's part of what makes this whole time of year enjoyable for me. Other people panic. I take a deep breath and tell my heart to slow down, and my brain to shutup for a minuete and take a chill pill. That usually works. ;D But I can't wait to shop. Sarah and I are prolly gonna go shopping together in a couple of weeks. I can't wait! It'll be a blast to shop with her!
Well, I think I'm done rambling for now. I had better get off. TTYL!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 11:52 AM EST
Sunday, 30 November 2003
All The Snow's Gone
Well, the light dusting that we got yesterday evening, yup, gone...all gone. Sad isn't it? Oh well, if my hunch is right *leans in and whispers* I think we're getting more in the near future!
Anyhoo. What did I do today? Well, I went to church. I had nursery duty today so I didn't get to talk to my girl Jessie. That always makes me sad. But oh well. I luv that girl so much it's not even funny. I would kiss her if my gut wouldn't stop screaming NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :)
And then I called Sarah b/c she can't write a clear e-mail one day in her life! She's asking me when i'm going to pick her up on the 17th. For wut? Why? Does she REALLY want me to do that? I mean, I have no license! She'd be asking for it man i'm tellin' ya!
Ummmm, and then I've been online since like 3:30 probably and it's 6:02 now. My eyes feel like thier dying! (If that's at all possible)
Oh yeah. And today, in sunday school, we played this game where we pretended that we were going to see LOTR: ROTK (translation: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King) and we had to come up with something (realistic or silly) that we would bring to the movie that started with a letter of the alphabet. And it didn't have to be in order. Then we went around the room saying what we would bring. And you had to repeat everything everybody before you had said IN ORDER! It was chaotic. Let's see, can I remember? OK, Joe: and apricote, Mark: a Bible, Justin G.: carrots, Justin S.: chocolate, Teddy: Popcorn, Dan: his hamster Bubbles (HA!), Dean: magic markers, Eric: a watch, Jessie: orange juice, Me: a Xylophone (sp?) with a Z (will explain in a sec), Jenna: an apple, Jen: Lembas, Amanda: BOTTLED water, Alyssa: shoes, Jacob: a trashcan, Josh: a duck, Darren: Sting (read the book for this and Lembas, you'll get it), 2nd time got half way around. so ON TOP of allll that stuff you had to add, WITH YOUR EYE'S CLOSED BTW,: Joe: rubber biscuts, Mark: a girl (rolls eyes) and I think thats all. Whew! Preasure! lol OK, about the Xylophone with a Z, I said Xylophone, but then i added "yeah, you have to have something that starts with a Z!" and Mark's like "ummm, it starts with an X" I was embarrassed. lol But everybody said "Xylophone with a Z" the whole time. Grrrr! I'm so annoying! I even annoy myself! (Mark, if you ever see this, don't EVEN bring up the annoying thing. kk? thanks)
Well, since i've bored you to death, I've gotta go. TTYL! Pray for more snow!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 6:15 PM EST
Saturday, 29 November 2003
Happy Holidays!!!!!!!
Hey Everybody!
Happy Holidays! I'm so jazzed up, I LUV this time of year. It's absolutely the best part of being alive..i think. Anyhoo, I hope ya'll had a great Thanksgiving. I did. It was a blast. And my Cream Pie was a hit!! Whoopee! I went to my Grandma's and then to my Aunt and Uncle's house. It was awesome. And come to find out, I'll be have 3 Christmas' this year! Count 'em, 3!!!! First, i'm going to celebrate with my dad's side this year on the 21st. Which is something new, everybody decided to try it so that we can all stay together longer and not be rushing around to get to other peoples houses, which sounds great to me!
And then the 2nd time is on Christmas Eve. My family always opens preasents Christmas Eve morning so that we can have alday to ooh and aah our new stuff and play with all the new toys. lol ;D Then Christmas DAY I'll be going to my Grandma's house to celebrate with my mom's side. It'll be a blast.
My dad's side is doing this other really kewl thing this year. Since there are SO MANY people on his side we're doing a secret Santa this year. I have my Uncle Tom (who happens to be my all time favorite Uncle. Even though I'm not big on favorite's, you can't help but luv the guy. :D ). I got him the kewlest Christmas preasent. But I can't tell yet. It would be just my luck that he got my website address, saw the link to my Blog, clicked on it and read the entry which would reveal his preasent and spoil everything. And we can't have that can we? Nope, nope, nope. So i'll tell ya AFTER the 21st.
Well, I'd better get going. I would luv to hear from ya'll. Post to this entry and tell me what your doing for Christmas this year and all that good stuff. Later!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 4:47 PM EST
Wednesday, 12 November 2003
Holiday's Are Here!!!!!
Wow! I can't believe it, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner, ALREADY! Sheesh! Where has this year gone?? Seems like yesterday I was going swimming. hmmm...does that mean i'm getting old, ALREADY?! <:oO
I can't wait until Thanksgiving. That's got to be one of my favorite holidays. Not quite as high on the list as Christmas mind you, but it's up there. lol I luv Christmas especialy. Not only is it the chance to celebrate Jesus' birth every year, but you get to be with your family and give preasents! Now don't get me wrong, I luv Luv LUV getting preasents, but there's not quite anything like giving somebody the perfect preasent. Weather it makes them laugh, cry, or just makes them feel really special, it's always worth their reaction. I luv it. And there's lots of food! And GOOD food for that matter! lol
Well, I'd better sign off. See you soon!
:-: Jasper :-:
P.S. Smallville tonight! whooohooooo!!!!!! 8pm eastern time. check it out!

Posted by horseybaby06 at 2:03 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 12 November 2003 2:11 PM EST
Sunday, 9 November 2003
This is so kewl! I've never done one of these before!

OK...so I guess this is the part where i'm supposed to put what I did today. Well, lemme think. I went to church, hung out with my oh-so-kewl friends. Got depressed because we're broke. Came home. Ate lunch. Watched a movie, and and got on the computer! fun fun! lol I'm sooooo interesting. My life should be a TV show.

Well...better jet, don't 4get to watch Alias tonight ya'll! it's gonna be awesome! Later!
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 5:02 PM EST

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