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A Penny For My Thoughts
Wednesday, 14 January 2004
Happy Birthday To Me!!!!!!
Well, I'm not really holding up my new years resolution am I? But I can explain, you see, I TURNED 16!!!!!! Whoohoo! And then I had a PARTAY!! lol OK, OK, lemme back up a bit. The 8th was my actual birthday. And that was also the 1st day back to gym and choir. I missed gym a lot. It was kewl to go back. Even though some people that drive me kinda crazy were sadly there, there were friends there to fix it all. Jenna Stoner came! That was kewl! She wished me happy birthday like 20 times. lol And the Wagars (Joe didn't pay much attention, but he's a Wagar, so I guess he counts. And Mrs. Olive was there too, with Dave Ramsey in hand! lol That's my girl!). Lisa wished me happy birthday Kronk style. (for all you sheltered people out there, watch Emperers New Groove.) And, then that night at choir Pam had the WHOLE choir sing me happy birthday! (even this one lady that I ABSOLUTLY can not stand. Grrrr! somebody tell her she stinks and to quit being so annoying! GOSH! Take a shower lady! But I won't mention names b/c I have this phobia (sp?) that the people I "bad mouth" will read what I write and hate me for all of eternity.) So that was embarrassing yet very fun. Even though I hate having Happy Birthday sung to me. I like it, but I hate it. Like, I never know what to do except stand there and smile like an idiot. But I DO like the recognition. It's the one day I'm aloud to be self-centered and get away with it. :)
Then on Friday (the 9th) we had book club. We finished up Peter Pan and watched Hook! I luv that movie! ("Come on explode out of there! Stop the sherode!" just to let you know, I have no idea how to spell sherode, so just deal. lol) And, of course, the Buchanan's didn't come. (this is a time when I hope they never read this) They act like thier to good for us or something. Like, whenever we talk about things we like, they don't like it. Lindsey always says, in her whinny voice, "well, we kinda don't like that. I think it's stupid." about just about everything. It's like, well why did you even join then if your gonna hate everything we do! For petes sakes! It REALLY get's annoying. And not to mention her mom is rude too. And Becca is just annoying. She tries TOO hard to be your friend. If she just lightened up a little bit I like her. And thier brother is WIERD! He spiked the front of his head red! Ickerumba!
But anyhoo, enough dissing people. Then after book club the girls and I had lunch and then we went to the mall for the rest of the day. And I had just about the best mall experience I have ever had! lol We went to the Build-A-Bear-Workshop for the 1st time! It was sooooo fun! I picked out a little black bear, and got him stuffed and picked out a heart for him. They make you do all this funny stuff too. Like warm it up, then tap it twice to get it beating, then rub it on your belly so it can eat, then on your head so he'll be smart, then on your ear so he can hear, and then the guy had me do the CHICKEN DANCE in front of the WHOLE store so that it could dance! I was like "umm, no, I don't really want to dance in front of everybody." and he's like, "well, fine then, it's your black bear, I guess I just can't give it to you then." So after some more persuading I did it. And I think it made the guys day b/c when we went back into the store later we kept catching each others eye across the room and laughing at each other! It was kinda odd but very funny. So anyhoo, after all that I went to the "bath tub" to brush him out and blow all the x-tra fuzz off of him. Then I picked out his clothes! I picked out this cute little camaflouge (sp? lol) outfit that says "B.A.B.W." on the shirt for Build.A.Bear.Workshop. It's soooo cute! And then I went to the computers to print off his birth certificate. I named him Jack after Captain Jack Sparrow in POTC. lol And then I went up to the desk where they printed off my certificate. And they gave me a free calander. And the lady and I got to talking and she's like "so is there any special reason your getting this bear?" and I said "well yeah, yesterday was my birthday." and she goes "oh happy birthday!" and she asked how old I was and she gave me a birthday CD. And then she's like "well could you please stand up on the counter?" I was like "ummm, no, I don't really want to. The other guy already made me do the chicken dance." and she laughed and said "oh come on, it won't hurt." so I did and she rang the bell and had the whole store wish me happy birthday! And Lisa, Sarah, Jenna,and Bethany were dying at this point of course. But it was all too much fun to hate. And then they put this happy birthday thing on my bears house and we were off. Later on we went back and Bethany got a Valentines Day teddy and named it Candy, or Candy Lou is her full name. She's sooo cute! And then on Saturday we played Dutch Blitz! I am so in luv with that game it's not even funny! In fact we ordered one on the internet today! It'll be here in about a week or 2. And then later on we went and saw ROTK!!!!!!!! It is sooooo good! I almost cried. Bethany thinks i'm evil b/c I didn't. But I had to hold it back so hard that the lump in my throat was burning. Some parts were just tear jearkingly sad. But I made it. My DAD even cried! It was so cute. And then we dropped Sarah off at home, Dutch Blitz and all. And then Bethany and Lisa didn't go home until like 11:00 b/c her dad and joe were at a basketball game!
But it was all fun. That's prolly one of the best birthdays I've ever had. Although Jenna could prolly kill me b/c it's made me obcessed with B.A.B. lol
Well, I'd better get off. School tomorrow and who knows what else. lol And I really want to work on my site tomorrow. Later!
Luv Always,
:-: Jasper :-:

Posted by horseybaby06 at 10:20 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 15 January 2004 11:47 AM EST

Saturday, 7 February 2004 - 8:37 AM EST

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