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M. Night Shyamalan's Signs is an incredible movie. The shots, the script, everything is extremly well done. The movie stars Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix, Rory Culkin, and Abigail Breslin.

This little cutie is Abigail Breslin
"I heard it Morgan"

Graham, Bo, and Merrill

Abigail Breslin plays Bo Hess in the movie. Some of you may not know this (I sure didn't!) but her big brother is Spencer Breslin, who has starred in Disneys The Kid as little Rusty, and in Santa Clause 2 as the #2 elf Curtis.
Mel Gibson has been in a number of movies throughout the years. Such as the Lethal Weapon series, Ransome, Forever Young, Braveheart, The Patriot, What Women Want, etc. He is one of my favorite actors and probably always will be. He plays the lead character in Signs, Graham Hess.

Morgan, Graham, and Bo
"That's enough from docter Bimboo for now"

Graham and Merrill
"I'm loosing my mind!" "We're gonna tear your head off!"

Rory Culkin is the youngest of the 7 famous Culkin children. He plays Morgan Hess in the movie, and he plays him extremly well. He has been in several movies, almost to many to name (and most of them I have never heard of :)  ). But he is an extraordinary actor all the same. This kid has a huge career in front of him.
Joaquin Phoenix plays Graham's little brother Merrill, who moves in with Graham after the death of his (Graham's) wife. Joaquin has been in several movies also, including Gladiator with Russel Crowe. Joaquin adds a lot of humor into this movie. It's not really a movie that you would expect a lot of humor in, but Joaquin brings it. Since I have seen this movie, he has been added to a well earned spot on my favorite actors list.
M. Night Shyamalan made himself a small role in the movie as well. He plays Ray Redding, the man who excidently killed Graham's wife a few months before. This has very much troubled Ray, and this forms a sweet and emotional scene in the movie between Ray and Graham. He's good at portraying how the character feels (which probably wasn't hard since he's the directer and all :P ) and why. I say excellent job all around for M. Night!  

Graham and Morgan
"I think God did it"


Morgan, Merrill, and Bo
"The nerds were right" "it's so the ailiens can't read our minds"

Ray Redding
"I don't think they like water much"