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Fav Movies, Books, etc

On this page I'll write about my fav books and movies and review them for ya!

Movie Reviews

Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers
Directed by Peter Jackson
Awesome awesome movies! Two Towers would have to be my favorite. There is a little bit more humor and the fight scenes are great! The special effects are amazing. Everybody should see these movies!

Coming Soon!

Book Reviews

The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien
The prelude to The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit living a quiet content life in The Shire. Until one day a band of Dwarfs and a Wizared come to his door and tell him that he is to go on a journey with them to reclaim their treasure from an evil dragon, Smaug. On the way they battle wolves, orcs, trolls, and what may be considered the worst of them all, a nasty little creature named Gollum. This is yet another amazing tale told by Tolkien. I'm sure you will enjoy it as much as I did!  
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings
By J.R.R. Tolkien
Awesome book! First couple of chapters are a little slow, but all in all it's awesome! Little kids might get scared on some parts though. J.R.R. Tolkien is a very descriptive writer. Which is awesome for people like me with a great imagination! This book tells how the journey begins. The Fellowship is formed and the group of 9 set out for Mordor, one of the most dangerous places in all of Middle-Earth, and they are heading strait for it. Follow the Fellowship on this incredible journey to over throw all evil.
The Two Towers
By J.R.R. Tolkien
Excellent! In this book the story starts picking up. The Fellowship parts and they all go on their own adventures. Isengaurd is conquered by the Ents with help of Pippin and Merry. Rohan must deffend its self from Saurumans army of Urik-Hai. Gondor is under the evil glare or Saurons eye and he is slowly unleashing his armies on them. It almost seems impossible for the good to prevail in all this evil. Can they? Read The Two Towers and find out!
The Return of the King
By J.R.R. Tolkien
This is the best book of all 3 by far! It is incredible! Minas Tirith is being attacked by Saurons evil forces. Gandalf brings Pippin to Minas Tirith to keep him safe. While he's there he's sworn to serve Denethor, father or Boromir and Faramir. The Rohirrim must decide weather to help them, or stand by in a safe place and watch. Merry is dubbed King Theoden's esquire. Everything is starting to come together, plans are in motion, armies are marching, who will win? Who will dominate all and rule Middle-Earth? Read this amazing book to find out!