Jasper's Page!


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Fun Stuff

If you like fun and creative...YOUR IN THE RIGHT PLACE!! Bouncy 3

This page will be coming as soon as I get a story to post! lol. If any of you have stories, poems, etc. that I can post on here...let me know! This isn't just for me!

OK, here's something for ya'll to do; I'm in the process of making a scrapbook on holidays. I'm asking everybody the questions that are below, if you would like to be in my scrapbook, or on the scrapbook section that i'm working on for the website, e-mail me with the answer's to the following questions. You can e-mail me by clicking here and going to my Contact Me/Guestbook page. Thanks and enjoy!

This is where you come in!
Custom Smiley

Fav Holiday:Carve The Turkey   Ho Ho Ho   Easter Bunny 3   Ghost 2  Shamrock  Fireworks

Why?:  Ummm

Fav Holiday Memory:  Ponder

E-mail your answers ASAP!

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