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Fav Sites

Here are some of my fav sites. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

This is one of my favorite sites. You can actully own and race your own horses! And for a horse lover like me, that loves them to death but can't own one, it's awesome! And non-horse lovers would like this also. It's just fun! So if you want to check it out, just click on the picture link below. It's awesome!

This site is really kewl. People write fanfiction about their favorite movies, books, cartoons, etc. I go there to read the LOTR (Lord of the Rings) fanfiction. You can find that by looking under "Books". Very kewl site!


Wild Horsefeathers
This place is great! The catalog is one of the best catalogs i've ever gotton. They have tons and TONS of stuff! And now they have a new cyber stable! So check them out. If your a fellow horse luver like me, you'll have a ball!

Wild Horsefeathers.com

Melllon Chronicles
This site is really kewl. It's all these people from from a Yahoo! group taht I'm a member of write LOTR fan fiction! They're really good too. Check it out!

Mellon Chronicles

Lord of the Ring.net
This site is incredible! Of course I'm kind of partial to anything LOTR, but it really is awesome. It's the main site for all the movies and everything. There are character bios, cast interviews, and much much more. Have gander!

Lord of the Rings.net